Saturday, March 31, 2007

update on mike mcclung

new developments:

Hello Everybody,
I just wanted to shoot you an update on Michael. If you didn't get word earlier, Michael had a slight stroke on Monday. I spoke with him this morning. He is feeling much better. The physical therapist has released him from therapy because his walking has greatly improved. He will still need to take it easy though. He still has a little numbness on his right side, but that also has gotten a little better. He said that he may be able to go home Saturday or Sunday. He is at St. Joseph's Hospital, feel free to give him a call or stop by.

Thanks for all of your prayers.

God Bless,
Daniel Hoover
NorthStar Church
Worship Pastor


Thursday, March 29, 2007

he who says prayers, let him pray

background info: mike mcclung is an awesome guy who led a Bible study that i went to several years ago. my dad just forwarded this email to me:

Hello Everybody,
I wanted to drop everyone a quick note and let you know about Mike McClung. Mike was playing golf yesterday and started to get dizzy and lose his balance. He had not felt well over the weekend and knew his neck felt like it had a "crick" in it. Due to that and losing his balance while out at the golf tourney - he had a friend take him to an urgent care to get him checked out. The urgent care then sent Mike on to St. Joseph's where they determined that Mike had a mini-stroke due to an artery in his neck. They feel like he will make a full recovery but he is currently in ICU at St. Joe's until they feel good about moving him out. He is on some blood thinner and just does not have a lot of energy right now. Please pray for Mike and Heidi during this time and if you are down that way - drop by and let them know you are praying for them! I visited him today and he was in pretty good spirits. I will keep you updated as info comes in!
God Bless!

Daniel Hoover
NorthStar Church

as the subject of this entry says, prayers would be appreciated. thanks much.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

in cold skies

i picked up winged migration and infamous at blockbuster last night. i watched winged migration with peter, katie, and kristina. you guys, it is absolutely incredible. by far my favorite documentary now. incredible cinematography. we were scratching our heads trying to figure out how they got some of those shots. the birds it shows are beautiful; God's masterful workmanship really shines through how perfectly aerodynamic their bodies are, how skillfully they get their food, and how interestingly they interact with each other and their surroundings.

at melissa's request, after i watch infamous, i will update again with my thoughts and a comparison between it and capote.